Markings 1.10.0+

Parent element name: dhill
Element name: markings


Notice the refd[1, 2]? attributes in some elements below, its allowed values refer to:

  • f - fall line
  • hs - hill size
  • k - construction point
  • p - landing point

Using them, you can precisely place markings in common zones, without doing monkey calculations.


Markings support special profiles named left and right used within refz[1, 2]? referring to downhill sides.

Summer and winter markings

Parent element name: summer, winter
Element name: banner

NameTypeAllowed valuesDescriptionOptional
d[1, 2]+FloatPosition relative to the downhill
sideStringboth, left, rightPosition relative to the downhill side
w+FloatZone thickness
margin+FloatShift in position relative to the downhill side
cColorZone color
refd[1, 2]Stringf, hs, k, pPosition relative to the built-in distance referenceTrue
z[1, 2]FloatPosition relative to the Z-axis

Summer markings

Parent element name: markings
Element name: summer


Parent element name: summer
Element name: grass

NameTypeAllowed valuesDescriptionOptional
d[1, 2]+FloatPosition relative to the downhill
sideStringboth, left, rightPosition relative to the downhill side
refd[1, 2]?Stringf, hs, k, pPosition relative to the built-in distance referenceTrue
refz[1, 2]?StringA built-in reference, which line is based onTrue
z[1, 2]FloatPosition relative to the Z-axis


Parent element name: summer
Element name: line


You can use d1 and d2 attributes to define diagonal lines.

NameTypeAllowed valuesDescriptionOptional
d[1, 2]?+FloatPosition relative to the downhill
z[1, 2]FloatPosition relative to the Z-axis
w+FloatLine thickness
cColorLine color
step+FloatStep between lines relative to the Z-axisTrue
count+IntegerLines countTrue
refz[1, 2]StringA built-in reference, which line is based onTrue
refd[1, 2]?Stringf, hs, k, pPosition relative to the built-in distance referenceTrue

Winter markings


Parent element name: winter
Element name: spray

NameTypeAllowed valuesDescriptionOptional
d[1,2]?+FloatPosition relative to the downhill
z[1, 2]FloatPosition relative to the Z-axis
wFloatSpray thickness
refz[1, 2]Stringleft, rightA built-in reference, which spray is based onTrue
cColorSpray color
fade[1, 2]FloatSpray texture fade distanceTrue
step+FloatStep between lines relative to the Z-axisTrue
count+IntegerLines countTrue
refd[1, 2]?Stringf, hs, k, pPosition relative to the built-in distance referenceTrue


Parent element name: winter
Element name: twigs

NameTypeAllowed valuesDescriptionOptional
d[1, 2]?+FloatPosition relative to the downhill
z[1, 2]FloatPosition relative to the Z-axis
refz[1, 2]Stringleft, rightA built-in reference, which spray is based onTrue
size+FloatTwig sizeTrue
space+FloatStep between twigs relative to the Z-axisTrue
step+FloatStep between lines relative to the Z-axisTrue
count+IntegerLines countTrue
forcedetailedBooleanRender each twig independently
refd[1, 2]?Stringf, hs, k, pPosition relative to the built-in distance referenceTrue